Category Mathematics

Does Genesis One Conflict with Science?

As a Christian, Bible study is a constant, never-ending process of reading, learning, and maturing in Christ. Much of that study is the study of interpretation of what the Bible says. I believe in the literal interpretation of the Bible myself. I’d like to address questions I have received about the interpretations of Genesis One […]

Carbon Dating the Earth

Another great find…some food for thought. As Christmas approaches, I just want to thank Jesus for His gift to me: eternal life. For that, I will always be grateful. My gift to my readers: this very brief article that answers a few questions I have received from time to time. May God bless you and […]

Treasury of Snow

Treasury of Snow I remember the first time I read the Book of Job. It was an eye-opener for me…the distinct moment when God enters the scene and questions Job: “Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said: “Who is this who darkens counsel By words without knowledge? Now prepare yourself like […]

The Parable of the Programmer

Jesus often spoke in parables about the principles of the Kingdom of Heaven. Perhaps because the principle itself was too difficult for the hardened heart to grasp or simply because it was illustrated better through an example. Such is the case today. I remember as an undergrad, many of my peers dropped out because the […]

Our Universe: Indescribable!

There’s a worship song I know we all have heard titled “How Great Is Our God” and that’s what I would like to focus on this post. You see, we all sing the song and I truly believe we all mean it. We do. What I think our finite minds cannot comprehend is EXACTLY how […]

In Six Days – Why 50 Scientists Choose to Believe in Creation

I always get caught up reading the most amazing articles in the Internet…I feel it is part of what God has called me to do to share them with the audience that is interested in the facts behind the Bible. Do you ever feel alone against atheists who constantly throw the terms “Dawkins”, “evolution”, “natural […]

The Case Against Evolution

Please take a moment to appreciate the image above…it is just too funny for me! Atheists are so determined to disprove the possibility of the existence of an Almighty God. I see Christianity in the news frequently and they seem to be the single most persecuted church. It DOES make you think, doesn’t it? The […]

Mathematical Accuracy of the Bible

Those who have read the Bible in its entirety are familiar with the The Passover. The Nation of Israel celebrates this as the date of deliverance from slavery from the Egyptians (see the story in Exodus). God commands the children of Israel to celebrate this day every year because it was the Lord that delivered […]

The Inner Life of a Cell

I can still remember the words of the Dean of the Department of Mathematics and Science saying the following words, “only about 30% of the American population graduate with a 4 year degree and only of those 5% is math and science major, which makes the you about top 1.5% of the country”. That statement […]

"Creation" Scientists

Photo Credit I’ve learned one thing this week: no matter how much evidence you give an atheist, it will NEVER be enough. They will either discredit the evidence, the person, or the education. I felt it was only fair to my audience to make a list of creationist scientists in various fields of science that […]